CSIRO, Normanby Road, Clayton
Events at this location
19febAll DaySite Visit: Lab22, CSIRO Clayton, 3D Printing Update
Event Details
The CSIRO Lab22 has benefitted from significant investment in new technologies and equipment under the Australian Government’s Trailblazer program. This includes: SLM 280 Multi-Material Laser Powder Fusion Bed 3D Printer which
Event Details
The CSIRO Lab22 has benefitted from significant investment in new technologies and equipment under the Australian Government’s Trailblazer program. This includes:
- SLM 280 Multi-Material Laser Powder Fusion Bed 3D Printer which is currently configured to produce objects in maraging steel and copper alloy.
- PX100 Binder 3D Jet Printer with 1600 °C sintering furnace and a Powder Plant for development of feedstock in critical minerals.
- Robotic Additive Manufacturing Cell which can produce objects up to 3.2 m high and 1.2 m diameter and mass up to 1000 kg, using either metal powder or wire.
Come along and see these latest developments in 3D Printing and associated technologies.
The visit will conclude with a question-and-answer session and light refreshments will be served on site.
Please note the early start time.
4:45 pm Wednesday 19th February, 2025
Gate 5, Normanby Road
Clayton, Victoria, 3168
4:45 to 5:00pm Arrive at Lab22
5:00 to 6:00pm Tour of Lab22
6:00 to 7:00pm Discussions and Light Refreshments served.
ADCA and AFI members $15.00 per person
Non–members $25.00 per person.
Booking is essential for catering purposes
Please book and pay online at: https://www.trybooking.com/CYNGA
Alan Cooke: 0427 777 061
All Day (Wednesday)
CSIRO, Normanby Road, Clayton
CSIRO, Normanby Road, Clayton